Trailer | Eric Evans - Part-Time Hitter
Part-Time Hitter is designed to help you thrive as a reservist. We have conversations with reservists who are doing great things as a part of their service or in their civilian life, and give you the information you need to reach your goals. Listen in for information about programs, services, and bonuses you can take advantage of. Life as a reservist can be a tough balance, but Part-Time Hitter is here with the inspiration and tools you need to thrive.
Part-Time Hitter is designed to help you thrive as a reservist. We have conversations with reservists who are doing great things as a part of their service or in their civilian life, and give you the information you need to reach your goals. Listen in for information about programs, services, and bonuses you can take advantage of. Life as a reservist can be a tough balance, but Part-Time Hitter is here with the inspiration and tools you need to thrive.
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